January 12, 2012

Swamp and Surf

This recipe comes from one of my hunters from Louisiana. I had a hard time understanding the accent without subtitles, but besides the rice and few other accoutrements, this version is about as local as you can get; The shrimp came from Stump Sound. The Wood Duck from a nearby swamp. And the brussel sprouts, green peppers, and okra came from the Old Man’s garden.

*Even if you can’t get all these ingredients locally, or can’t find Wood Duck at your local grocery store, or understand the cajun accent, it still tastes good as gumbo over rice with just shrimp.


2-4 grilled wood duck breasts(brined, wet rubbed)

*check teal taco recipe for brining and wet rub

1 pound of shrimp(peeled, de-veined, marinated in whatever you can find in the frig, Italian dressing, steak marinate, etc.., and grilled)

Rice( read the box to see how many servings you need)

A handful of Brussel Sprouts

1 green pepper

1 Vidalia onion

3 stocks of Celery

1 can of chicken broth

2 cups chopped Okra

¼ cup melted butter

Salt and pepper to taste.

Finely dice onion, celery and green pepper and add to pot with olive oil. Let it cook down, and add chicken broth.

Read the back of your box o’ rice and start your rice in a separate pot or microwave.

Tear off brussel sprout leaves, coat in butter(or olive oil) and salt and roast in oven at 400 degrees.

Cook until they get all burnt on the edges and crispy. (It’s supposed to look like you screwed it up)

As your pseudo-gumbo mix is cooking, skewer shrimp and prepare Wood Duck for the grill.
*I chose not to soak my skewers in water before grilling, because when they catch on fire and turn to charcoal, I know the shrimp is done.

Add Okra to onion, celery and green pepper. Stir and continue to let it cook and thicken.

Grill your shramps and duck(med rare)

Rest yo’ meat. Slice thinly.

Plate your rice, spoon your gumbo mixture(if it doesn’t turn out call it a okra gravy, I did) over the rice, top with grilled duck and shrimp, garnish with roasted brussel sprouts.

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