February 10, 2014

Hot Glue Eggs

I overheard a few guys mid-conversation at the local fly shop complaining about the current winter fishing conditions.

“Yeah, you can still catch fish on that river this time of year, if you’re willing to fish with that kind of stuff.”

As I picked up a box of size 10 scud hooks, I knew exactly what kind of stuff they were talking about, egg patterns.  I’m not proud. I like eggs, and it just so happens so do trout .  But complaining about what a fish eats is kind of a moot point, especially in the dead of winter.   If a trout ate dryer lent dubbed onto a hook, I’d have bagfuls saved in my laundry room. (Which probably isn’t a bad idea, based on what colors I had to wash that week)

Spinning hot glue on to a hook can make some great, realistic-looking eggs.   It’s also pretty good at producing beadheads.  Sure, egg patterns have their place, maybe not in the middle of a epic salmon fly hatch, but if you can’t be excited about fishing eggs in February, what can you be excited about?

A black Copper John with an egg for a head? It looks delicious